Petly Pet Portal
We offer every client of A Cat's Place access to their own online pet portals. Take advantage of this opportunity to help manage your cat's health care. To set up your account please contact us!
We're excited to introduce you to Petly – your personalized pet health page provided by Strawberry Hill Animal Hospital and A Cat's Place! If you haven't already heard, we have decided to upgrade to Petly, a new system we are very excited about. This new pet portal system integrates even more seamlessly with our veterinary software so we can provide you with more of your pets' health information, more convenience and better service.
So what is Petly?
Petly is your own pet portal webpage for everything about your pet. You'll have access to some great features, including:
Pet Health, Centralized
Keeping your pet healthy has never been so easy! Review your pet's health records, see medical notes your veterinarian shares with you, and more. Request an appointment or order a prescription online. Petly is designed to let you access your pet's health resources when you need them most.
Your Pet's Appointment Information
View up-to-the-hour information on future appointments. Know when to arrive and what to expect at each appointment.
The Latest in Pet Health
Access informative articles about the latest in pet health from the Pet Health Network. From medical articles to behavior tips, breed information to breaking news about tick borne diseases and food recalls, the Pet Health Network has it all to help you keep your pet as healthy and happy as possible.
Get Social
With a live Facebook feed, see the latest in pet-related news, learn about offers and events, and stay in touch.
How do I access my Petly page?
When you provide us with your e-mail address, you will receive an activation e-mail with login information. During your first login, you'll be asked to create a password.
If you think you missed an activation e-mail from us, please give us a call at (203) 855-1146 to request another one!